are the gnostic gospels reliable

For example, they believed that the material world is bad and only the spiritual world is good. Deeper messages cloaked in parable it was to invite us into the meaning of the Saviors words. Topics History, Gnostic, Christianity Collection opensource Language English. Patrick Henry highlights this in reference to Nag Hammadi: While the Nag Hammadi materials have made some corrections to the portrayal of Gnosticism in the anti-Gnostic writings of the church fathers, it is increasingly evident that the fathers did not fabricate their opponents views; what distortion there is comes from selection, not from invention. Nevertheless, he is led to wonder about the bulk of the texts that exist only in a single version,11 because these texts cannot be compared with other translations for accuracy. And they were mostly rejected from Bible canon for some pretty straightforward reasons. He claims Thomas knows the Christ both as the Self, and the foundation of individual life.31 Some sayings in Thomas do seem to teach this. : 1) The Gnostic Jesus, who at best is only tangentially linked to the Old Testament and at worst is directly opposed to it, was the real Jesus. These texts are all post-synoptic, not only with regard to their dates, but also with regard to the form of the synoptic tradition they presuppose.26 In other words, these writings are simply drawing on preexistent Gospel material and rearranging it to conform to their Gnostic world view. That 80 "gospels" ever existed is a fabrication. Gnostics also believed in an unknowable god. Beatley Layton notes that it paraphrases, and so interprets, some thirty to sixty scriptural passages almost all from the New Testament books.21 He goes on to note that Valentinus shaped these allusions to fit his own Gnostic theology.22 In discussing the use of the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) in the Gospel of Truth, C. M. Tuckett concludes that there is no evidence for the use of sources other than the canonical gospels for synoptic material.23 This would mean that the Gospel of Truth gives no independent historical insight about Jesus, but rather reinterprets previous material. Further, while canonical Scriptures teach of a continuity between the God of Israel in the Old Testament and the God revealed as Jesus in the New Testament, the Gnostic Gospels teach that the God of Israel was actually the corrupt "demiurge" (a lesser deity) and that Jesus is the "true God" (via Britannica). It may be romantic to root for the underdog, but the Gnostic underdogs show every sign of being heretical hangers-on who tried to harness Christian language for conceptions antithetical to early Christian teaching. In such cases, we would call gospels like Philip, Mary . It is true most Gnostics do have a bone to pick with the material world, but not because they believe it is all bad, black and white, good vs. evil. They censored them, but they have all the stuff they didn't want you to know.". This explanation uses the Synoptics as a reference point for comparison. First published in 1979 to critical acclaim, winning the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, The Gnostic Gospels has . Robinson comments further on the integrity of the texts: There is the same kind of hazard in the transmission of the texts by a series of scribes who copied them, generation after generation, from increasingly corrupt copies, first in Greek and then in Coptic. 5 F. F. Bruce, Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974), 154. Some of the myths have no connection to any historical evidence (e.g., the Da Vinci Code), recently discovered "evidence" is often distorted (Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic literature), and Blomberg concludes . They were only used by, well, Gnostics, not by the main church. Finally, to treat the Gnostic gospels as truly reliable accounts is to betray a deep ignorance of Gnostics themselves. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Later some people distorted his teachings, and turned him into the fulfillment of all the hopes and expectations of the Old Testament. Without undue appeal to the subjective, it can be safely said that the Gnostic material on Jesus has a decidedly different "feel" than the biblical Gospels. The human race is not fallen because we sinned. The Real Reason The Gnostic Gospels Aren't In The Bible. A far cry from the 80 The Da Vinci Code claims! The content and validity of the so-called "Gnostic gospels" is evaluated. As I noted earlier in this post, legitimacy ought to be considered independent of the consequences of such conclusions. Scholars speculate as to authorship, but do not take pseudepigraphic literature as authentically apostolic. From a purely historical perspective, absolute certainty is impossible. Learn how your comment data is processed. Dunn finds it unlikely that the reason we have no unambiguously first century documents from Christian Gnostics is because the early church eradicated them. This pre-Christian Abrahamic cosmology brings alive ancient Biblical concepts and demystifies many common theological conundrums. Let's take a look at the Gnostic Gospels, what they are, and why they didn't quite make the cut. In Against Heresies, Irenaeus went to great lengths to present the theologies of the various Gnostic schools in order to refute them biblically and logically. Ive mentioned already that they had a deep mythology in addition to the Genesis account. Rather, we are fallen because we are ignorant. (Pagels, for her part, refused the assignment"I don't know how to write that way," she saysbut she did sit in on the interview . Finally, to treat the Gnostic gospels as truly reliable accounts is to betray a deep ignorance of Gnostics themselves. But Gnostics themselves did not take these things literally, at least in the strictest sense. Instead, it must be asked whether it is likely that while the canonical gospels treat the message of Jesus as being out of Gods grace and for all, the Jesus of the Gnostic gospels came to appease lower gods and angels while offering secret knowledge of salvation to a select few. It is faithful to fact. So again, we have reason to doubt their historical reliability. While canonical Scripture teaches that Jesus was "incarnated" in a full human body, the Gnostic Gospels teach that Christ's body was an illusion or a "spiritual body." 654.5-9 (Jesus says:) Let him who see(ks) not cease (seeking until) he finds; and when he find (he will) be astonished, and having (astoun)ded, he will reign; an(d reigning), he will (re)st (Clement of Alexandria also knows the saying in this form. It is less obviously Gnostic than some Nag Hammadi texts and contains some more orthodox-sounding phrases such as, Verily I say unto you none will be saved unless they believe in my cross.27 It also affirms the unorthodox, such as when Jesus says, Become better than I; make yourselves like the son of the Holy Spirit.28 While one scholar dates this text sometime before A.D. 150,29 Blomberg believes it gives indications of being at least in part later than and dependent upon the canonical gospels.30 Its esotericism certainly puts it at odds with the canonical Gospels, which are better attested historically. This is due to three reasons: date, consistency, and historical context. A fine thematic introduction to gnosticism, concentrating on the texts discovered at Nag Hammadi (Upper Egypt) in 1945. Or must we remain in utter agnosticism about the historical Jesus? Robert M. Grant has noted that the religious realities which the Church proclaimed were ultimately perverted by the Gospel of Thomas. So there you have it. Given N.T. More so; most Gnostics saw this world as an intercepted realm who was governed by fallen energies who also were in ignorance and needing of Restoration to the True Light. What we can see clearly in the case of this one saying is probably representative of the lengthy process of development and elaboration which resulted in the form of the Gospel of Thomas found at Nag Hammadi.43, Other authorities substantiate the notion that whatever authentic material Thomas may convey concerning Jesus, the text shows signs of Gnostic tampering. Or must we deal with an anonymous one? They were interested in their stories as stories; they used myth as a method to communicate their values. The scholarly literature on Thomas is vast and controversial. Thomas has almost no narration and its structure consists of discrete sayings. They claimed to pass on secret teachings of Jesus that werent proclaimed publicly. In other words, the canonical gospels are early enough to make credible claims to being eyewitness accounts (though, as PBS points out, most modern scholars agree they aren't). gnostic gospels pdf. The difficulty in determining the biblical canon is that the Bible does not give us a list of the books that belong in the Bible. Part Two of this series will therefore inspect the historical standing of the Gnostic writings in terms of their historical integrity, authenticity, and veracity. This totally contradicts the God of Scripture. Gnosticism developed as one of the earliest Christian heresies, but really qualifies as its own world religion, although many Gnostics would have considered themselves Christians. Did he or she have sufficient credentials to relay historical truth? The original writing of the various documents, of course, took place sometime before A.D. 350-400, but not, according to most scholars, before the second century. Another book that studies the structure and the apologetics of the Gnostic dialogues from the Nag Hammadi collection is my The Gnostic Dialogue: The Early Church and the Crisis of Gnosticism (New York, 1980). OldWolf2642 3 yr. ago. 23 C. M. Tuckett, Synoptic Tradition in the Gospel of Truth and the Testimony of Truth, Journal of Theological Studies 35 (1984):145. Likewise, if purportedly historical documents, like the gospels of Nag Hammadi, challenge the biblical understanding of Jesus, they too must be brought before historical scrutiny. This could cause some problems for mainstream Christianity given the inherent contradictions in doctrine, but to use that as a basis for its rejection is to beg the question. These four Gospels are rooted in the apostolic tradition and can be attributed to apostolic authorship: St. Matthew was an apostle; St. Mark was a disciple of St. Peter; St. Luke was a disciple of . In short, the Gnostic Gospels show clear evidence of being ancient forgeries, and provide us with no reason to trust that they are authentic artifacts from the time of Jesus. For instance, some believe that Jesus had no material body, but only appeared as having one, actually being a spirit. References 1. The Gospel of Mary, made famous by Dan Browns novel The Da Vinci Code, shows Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene and having children. 37 Blomberg, Historical Reliability, 211. Veracity concerns the truthfulness of the author of the text. p. 87. It may be true, as Pagels says, that the winners write history, but that doesnt necessarily make them bad or dishonest historians. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author' Skip to content But to treat them as though they could be serious and accurate accounts of the life of Jesus is to misuse not only the books themselves, but also to be disingenuous with the approach and intentions of the Gnostics themselves. Neither The Gospel of Truth nor The Gospel of Philip, as case examples, contain an orderly account of the birth, life, deeds, death, and resurrection of Christ. Searching for true Bible history is always news, which is why every year Time and Newsweek go . One of the things that set Gnosticism apart from the other varieties of early Christianity was its astonishing creation myth, an interpretation of the creation myth of Genesis that practically turns that Old Testament text upside down. They had lists of bishops in various cities, and those lists showed that their beliefs were passed on from generation to generation, stretching all the way back to the beginning of the Church. In some cases they may contain early, independently attested traditions (e.g., the Gospel of Thomas). Finally, while the canonical gospels teach a message that is preached publicly and available to all, the Gnostic Gospels teach salvation by "secret knowledge" that Jesus only gave to a few. The Gnostic Gospels are ancient religious writings which falsely claim to be written by famous biblical figures such as Peter, Thomas, and Mary. Dunn then compares similar statements from Matthew, the Oxyrhynchus papyri, and the Nag Hammadi text version of Thomas: Matthew 7:7-8 and 11:28 Seek and you will find;he who seeks findsCome to meand I will give you rest. Pap. F. F. Bruce notes that Gnosticism was too much bound up with a popular but passing phase of thought to have the survival power of apostolic Christianity.53, Exactly why did apostolic Christianity survive and thrive? The Lost Gospelsa ninety minute long BBC documentary (first released in 2008). These anti . He blogs at, Copyright A.D. 2018 Catholic Stand | Powered by Astra. Spirit is good and matter is evil, the physical world being created by the evil and ignorant demiurge (a lesser God which to the Gnostics was frequently seen as Jehovah of the Old Testament), and the spirit being part of the higher, greater God, an altogether separate being from the aforementioned creator God. 1. It sounds like they knew that they could not trace their teachings back to the Apostles, so they had to make up an excuse to explain why they could not. Jesus then discourses on the precosmic fall of the mother who acted in opposition to the Father and so produced ailing aeons.7. We do not know who wrote most of them and their historical veracity concerning Jesus seems slim. Wrights historical context, and when Gnosticism was rising in popularity, the later date seems more appropriate. They thought that the God of the New Testament was the true God and that the God of the Old Testament was a lesser deity. These positions are well grounded, and we will briefly review why in the following 5 reasons. Whatever is made of the historical feel of these documents, their actual status as historical records should be brought into closer scrutiny to assess their factual reliability. Required fields are marked *. There are major issues of reliability per standard historical methodologies: We discount the Gospels as at all reliable on standard historical methodologies that would produce the same result in every other field: They're late, post-dating any evident witness known to still be alive; Click To Tweet A few Gnostic scholars have gone so far as to assert that these recently discovered writings are the authentic history of Jesus instead of the . 31 Robert Winterhalter, The Fifth Gospel (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988), 13. The author of the National Geographic article on the Gospel of Judas tries to instill doubt about whether the gospels are indeed reliable. The Gospel of Judas goes even further than this, portraying Judas as being among the perfect, and being given a fuller picture of Gods plan. This essay considers the reliability of the Gnostic Gospels while contrasting them to the canonical Gospels. My point is not all gnostic Christian groups were cut from the same cloth or in agreement. However, when we are considering the Gnostic gospels, the most common are the gospels of Thomas, Judas, and Mary. Robinson adds that when only a few letters are missing, they can be often filled in adequately, but larger holes must simply remain a blank.9. The Gnostics, on the other hand, could do no such thing. marvin meyer the secret teachings of jesus four gnostic The connotation of a gospel is that it presents the life of Jesus as a teacher, preacher, and healer similar in style, if not content, to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Gnostic Gospels provides engaging reading for those seeking a broader perspective on the early development of Christianity. Determining the canon was a process co. Later, when Christianity and Judaism grew apart, people began to distort his message and to present it as almost entirely non-Jewish. Historical reliability can be divided into three basic categories: integrity, authenticity, and veracity. He has master's degrees in both theology and philosophy (with a concentration in bioethics) from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and he spent three years in Catholic University of America's doctoral program in biblical studies before realizing that academia isn't where he wants to be. They were written too late by unknown authors with an alternative agenda. Consequently, this diversity attracted some really strange gnostic groups jumping on the bandwagon (which Paul fervently warned about) with various levels of personality groups and backwards ideas attributed by them that seem to have made into gnostic canon although there is no such thing definable, these strange backwards ideas are thought of as heretical Gnosticism. 48 James Dunn, Unity and Diversity in the New Testament (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977), 287-88. The Gnostic Gospels are real, but they weren't really systematically snuffed out (they mostly just faded into history), and you can still read them quite a few of them, at least right now. A Gnostic is "someone who knows" or a "knower.". The New Testament has been preserved in thousands of diverse and ancient manuscripts which enable us to reconstruct the original documents with a high degree of certainty. "The Gnostic Gospels," he said, had changed his life. 1. One might like to know the genre of our gospels. Both lack Old Testament background, ethical exhortations, and end-time eschatology. There was no "sin" just "ignorance", and the key to eternal life was fo. Review "The first major and eminently readable book on gnosticism benefiting from the discovery in 1945 of a collection of Gnostic Christian texts at Nag Hammadi in Egypt." --The New York Times Book Review But that does not mean we cast out all evidence with which we form our picture of Jesus and of the apostles. Unless we are content to chronicle a cacophony of conflicting views of Jesus based on pure speculation or passionate whimsy, historical investigation is non-negotiable. The term gnostic gospels refers to gnostic collections of writings about the teachings of Jesus, written from the 2nd - 4th century AD. In the first installment of this two-part series, I outlined the stark contrasts between the gnostic Jesus and the Word become flesh. These respective views of Jesus are lodged within mutually exclusive world views concerning claims about God, the universe, humanity, and salvation. The number of unintentional errors is hard to estimate, since such a thing as a clean control copy does not exist; nor does one have, as in the case of the Bible, a quantity of manuscripts of the same text that tend to correct each other when compared (emphasis added).12. She is "the woman who knows the All," i.e. Your email address will not be published. JP Nunez has been a theology nerd since high school. Apostolic Succession or Secret Transmission And there is another reason to doubt the historical reliability of the Gnostic gospels. 1 Herbert Butterfield, Christianity and History (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1950), 119. And they were mostly rejected from Bible canon for some pretty straightforward reasons. Mary being a woman in Jewish law wasnt usually considered a worthy apostle in many of the social traditions, although she was the first witness of the Resurrection, has a rich tradition that followed her even to France possibly. In this article, I want to look a bit at these other gospels. Tuckett has also argued that the Gospel of Mary and the Book of Thomas the Contender are dependent on synoptic materials, and that there is virtually no evidence for the use of pre-synoptic sources by these writers. I argued that the Gospels do give us reliable history. But our next line of inquiry is to be historical. There are few if any cases of known authorship with the Nag Hammadi and other Gnostic texts. The Gospel of Judas, as has been alluded to, portrays a different picture of Judas, seeing him as the true apostle rather than the betrayer. [The] few sayings and stories about Jesusare not set in any kind of narrative framework like one of the New Testament gospels.3 Biblical scholar Joseph A. Fitzmyer criticized the title of Pagelss The Gnostic Gospels because it insinuates that the heart of the book concerns lost gospels that have come to light when in fact the majority of Pagelss references are from early church fathers sources or nongospel material.4, In terms of scholarly and popular attention, the superstar of the Nag Hammadi collection is the Gospel of Thomas. This article first appeared in the in the Ask Hank column of the Christian Research Journal, Join now to access this Journal subscriber only content. These gospels present Jesus and his ministry very differently from the biblical gospels, so they raise some obvious questions for us: Do they contain reliable history? To go along with that, they also believed that we all have a spark of the divine within us and that salvation is achieved through secret knowledge that allows that spark to escape the material world (the Greek word for knowledge is gnosis, and thats where we get the word gnostic). Skeptic criticism says the church cast out the Gnostic texts to retain control over dogma and to suppress minority voices. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The second scenario seems a lot more probable to me. In this gospel, Jesus entrusts a great deal of secret knowledge and honor to Mary, who is commonly opposed by Peter for no other reason than that she is a woman (he plays this role in other Gnostic texts as well; it was common for Gnostics to have a low opinion of the apostle Peter, particularly because of the Catholic Churchs regard for him as the supposed first pope). Further, to argue cogently against the Gnostics, Irenaeus and the other anti-Gnostic apologists would presumably have had to be diligent to correctly represent their foes in order to avoid ridicule for misunderstanding them. Historicity is related to trustworthiness. An example we see in the classical gnostic text of Pistis Sophia, or Holy Wisdom whos character can be seen tied to the Old Testament, including the book of proverbs, job, etc. Only so could the Gnostic documents attempt to establish their credibility. The Gospel of Judas is pretty much just like Deathly Hallows, except Dumbledore is Jesus, Snape is Judas, and we're all Harry Potter. For example, the introduction to the Gospel of Truth in The Nag Hammadi Library reads, Despite its title, this work is not the sort found in the New Testament, since it does not offer a continuous narration of the deeds, teachings, passion, and resurrection of Jesus.2 The introduction to the Gospel of Philip in the same volume says that although it has some similarities to a New Testament Gospel, it is not a gospel like one of the New Testament gospels. Surely, for instance, if the authors intended to write romantic . Although much excitement has been generated by the Nag Hammadi discoveries, not a little misunderstanding has been mixed with the enthusiasm. Are they authentic accounts of New Testament events? The Gnostic gospels were too obviously works of fiction to be included in the NT. Cules son las creencias bsicas del budismo? Click. The Gnostic Gospels are not reliable sources for the life and teachings of Jesus. Historical accuracy was certainly no incidental item to Luke in the writing of his Gospel: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. . The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, in which the neo-Gnostics put so much store, has Jesus going about in the second century. To begin, I want first to focus on something else the Gnostics believed. There is solid evidence that the New Testament Gospels were written by their namesakes: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Although interesting in explaining the development of Gnostic thought and its relationship to biblical writings, this letter shouldnt be overtaxed as delivering reliable history of the events it purports to record. There, Jesus' teaching emerges naturally from the overall contour of His life. 4): John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins. Yet, some of the 114 sayings closely parallel or roughly resemble statements in the Synoptics, either by adding to them, deleting from them, combining several references into one, or by changing the sense of a saying entirely. If a document is historically reliable, it is trustworthy as objectively true; there is good reason to believe that what it affirms essentially fits what is the case. The situation may be likened to putting together a jigsaw puzzle with numerous pieces missing; one is forced to recreate the pieces by using whatever context is available. Wright lays out the main reasons that the Gnostic Gospels didn't make it into the Christian canon. Since that second scenario is much more likely, we can see right off the bat that the biblical Gospels are almost certainly more reliable than the Gnostic ones. Widely Held Myths about Ancient Sources. She brings her considerable competence to bear on the subject without overwhelming the reader with . Best. None of these stylistic fingerprints appeared in the New Testament books that I was reading" (3). The Kingdom is inside you, and it is outside you, Your email address will not be published. If it is most probable that the writer of the Gospel of Thomas was actually the apostle Thomas, for example, then it is reliable. It's all there, man, in the Gnostic Gospels! Because it is more of an anthology of mostly unrelated sayings than an ongoing story about Jesus words and deeds, Thomas is outside the genre of Gospel in the New Testament. 25 Andrew K. Hembold, The Nag Hammadi Texts and the Bible (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1967), 88-89. In the first place, Wright says, the Gnostic Gospels are just much newer texts than the four canonical gospels. Answer (1 of 8): > The term "canon" is used to describe the books that are divinely inspired and therefore belong in the Bible. The genre of this text is known as pseudepigrapha writings falsely ascribed to noteworthy individuals to lend credibility to the material. How can we account for this? Jesus did not come to die, and the manner of his death is of no great significance. The gnostic gospels are traditionally described in the ways mentioned above in modern times by most scholars and theological compare and contrast points of view, but it lacks a certain whole picture approach that can be clarified by a student of Gnosticism. Home The Reliability of the Gnostic Gospels. If a document is historically reliable, it is trustworthy as objectively true; there is good reason to believe [] Christ or Lucretius: Nature and Natures God in the poems of Mary Oliver. Although it may be surprising to some, exactly what books are part of scripture, particularly New Testament scripture, has not always been a clear-cut case. This is why certain Gnostic figures, such as Mani, the father of the Manicheans, would consider not only Jesus, but also figures of Buddhism, as redemptive figures.To treat the Gnostic gospels as equally valid historical accounts is bad scholarship. They simply provide a different perspective about Jesus. But Gnostics themselves did not take these things literally, at least in the strictest sense. In the Gnostic materials Jesus seems, in many cases, more of a lecturer on metaphysics than a Jewish prophet. Attridge and MacRae date the document between A.D. 140 and 180.19 Layton recognizes that the work is a sermon and has nothing to do with the Christian genre properly called gospel.'20. I've mentioned already that they had a deep mythology in addition to the Genesis account. The gospels describe the life, teaching, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. Do we have a clue as to what Jesus, the Man from Nazareth, actually did and said as a player in space-time history? . They reflect eyewitness testimony. 18 See Stephan Hoeller, Valentinus: A Gnostic for All Seasons, Gnosis, Fall/Winter 1985, 25. Neither The Gospel of Truth nor The Gospel of Philip, as case examples, contain an orderly account of the birth, life, deeds, death, and resurrection of Christ. Over the years the question I have asked myself is this: is it reasonable to stake so much on the gospels? If so, we should hunt down Nazi historians to give us the real picture of Hitlers Germany and relegate all opposing views to that of dogmatic apologists who just happened to be on the winning side. In the early centuries of Christianity, several people wrote books claiming to relate teachings and stories about Jesus, but the Church eventually accepted only four of them as authentic. Dethroning Jesus. Do we have reason to believe the text as it now reads is essentially the same as when it was first written? These Christians are now called gnostics, from the Greek word gnosis, usually translated as "knowledge." For as those who claim to know nothing about ultimate reality are called agnostic. What, then, of the veracity of the documents? nase ahora para acceder a este contenido exclusivo para suscriptores de Journal, haga clic aqu para obtener ms informacin. 13 See Ray Summers, The Secret Sayings of the Living Jesus (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1968), 14. Jesus might have died on the cross, might not have, but to virtually all Gnostics, the cross was incidental rather than crucial. 26 Christopher Tuckett, Synoptic Tradition in Some Nag Hammadi and Related Texts, Vigiliae Christiane 36 (July 1982):184. the lost doctrines of christianity the secret teachings. Realities which the neo-Gnostics put so much on the subject without overwhelming reader... Exclusive world views concerning claims about God, the universe, humanity, and turned him into the of! Other hand, could do no such thing robert M. 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The documents Bible History is always news, which is why every year Time and Newsweek go now... Acted in opposition to the canonical gospels little misunderstanding has been generated by the main church to establish their.... It was first written: Eerdmans, 1974 ), 88-89 having children take. Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988 ), 119 M. Grant has noted that the religious realities which neo-Gnostics...